Analisis Kualitas Citra Foveal Avascular Zone (FAZ) Dengan Teknik Kombinasi Pengacakan Piksel
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Securing important data or information is done to prevent the leakage of a message or information to people who are not entitled to receive it not entitled to receive. Securing data can be done by using an encoding technique called cryptography. In this research, the data used is a message/information in the form of an RGB Fovea Avascular Zone (FAZ) image as many as 15 images. The message or information in the research is encoded using the Pixel Scrambling Combination Technique. The purpose of encrypting this RGB image is to find out how the encryption and decryption steps and the results of the security of the image encryption against attacks security of image encoding against cryptoanalysis attacks. The method used to analyze the encryption results is differential analysis. The results of the image encryption and decryption process can be done well but still produces a cipher image that forms part of the pattern of the original image so that it is easily guessed by someone so that it is easily guessed by someone. In the differential analysis, parameter used to evaluate with Unified Averaged Changed Intensity (UACI). In this study, the average UACI value of the FAZ image tested was 79.67%. The UACI is used to determine how large the interval of difference in pixel values of the two images.
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