Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Mobile untuk Mitra Toko Kain dan Penjahit serta Sistem Administrasi Keuangan Berbasis Web untuk Bisnis Menjahit Rumahan
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Established in 2016, Syarmee is a make-to-order clothing sewing business located in Lampung Province. The business currently relies on manual documentation for its order processes, which has led to issues such as unreadable handwriting and lost records, subsequently hindering operational efficiency. While Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems present a potential solution, their complexity often results in implementation challenges. To address these issues, Syarmee plans to develop a user-friendly information system tailored to streamline management tasks, including the sewing process, financial reporting, and tailor performance assessments. This new system will utilize the Laravel framework, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for its web components, alongside Android Studio for the mobile application, aiming to enhance overall business efficiency and data organization.
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