Inovasi Modul Pembelian untuk E-Commerce UMKM: Solusi Berbasis Android
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To foster the structure of the national economy, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) should be empowered significantly as they represent a fundamental segment of the people's economy. The landscape of buying and selling has dramatically transformed with the rapid advancement of mobile technology and the internet, leading to a surge in e-commerce activities. This shift, along with other factors, necessitates the empowerment of MSMEs to ensure a balanced national economy, enhance business capabilities, and strengthen their role in development to elevate people's welfare. This study focuses on Ultra Micro (UMI) actors, who are integral to the Ultra Micro Financing (UMF) initiative. This financing model serves as a form of social support, aiming to assist low-income microbusinesses in evolving into sustainable enterprises. The progression of these businesses is seen as a catalyst for improving the standard of living, underlining the pivotal role of information technology in facilitating economic growth. By examining these aspects, the research aims to provide insights into effective strategies for bolstering MSMEs, thereby contributing to a more equitable and prosperous national economy.
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