Analisis Learning Management System-based Coursework terhadap Nilai Mahasiswa melalui Analytics Dashboard

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Selly Meliana
Rahman Taufik
Aryo Handono


The Pandemic era caused many changes, including teaching and content delivery strategies. Students should study from home, whilst lectures are required to quickly adapt how to teach online. Less engagement in online classes forced lectures to prepare additional coursework, such as pretests, posttests, and exercises, for students with the expectation of being able to track their students’ learning progress. This paper will concentrate on whether the Learning Management System (LMS)-based coursework, prepared by the lecturer, is worth the effort and positively correlates to students’ learning outcomes. Spearman correlation will be utilized in this study based on dataset characteristics. We implement correlation results from exploratory data analysis into the dashboard development. The dashboard displays a visual of the correlation between coursework.  The visualization can help the lecturer decide which coursework is necessary and which should be removed, reduced, preserved, or extended.

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How to Cite
Meliana, S., Taufik, R., & Handono, A. (2023). Analisis Learning Management System-based Coursework terhadap Nilai Mahasiswa melalui Analytics Dashboard. Jurnal Pepadun, 4(3), 315–324.


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