Aplikasi Pelaporan Informasi Masyarakat Terkini Wilayah Hukum Polresta Tangerang Berbasis Android

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Angga Wisnu Yudhopratomo
Muhamad Bahrul Ulum


This research seeks to address the inefficiency faced by individuals who need to report crimes and accidents in person at police stations, a process that often demands significant time and effort. The study focuses on the development of the E-Complaints application to enhance the efficiency of both the reporting process and operational management. Data collection methods included the Waterfall model, needs analysis for information systems, direct observation, literature review, and interviews. Findings indicate that the "Accident and Incident Reporting Application" effectively improves both efficiency and operational potential. The application simplifies the reporting process and offers features such as filing crime complaints, verifying submitted reports, managing user data, tracking report status, and organizing investigation information. This tool empowers the community to maintain safety and security by streamlining the reporting of crimes and accidents, allowing residents of Tangerang Regency to feel more secure and actively contribute to the safety of their surroundings. Developed using the JAVA programming language for the web server, the application employs PhpMyAdmin and MySQL for database management.

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How to Cite
Yudhopratomo, A. W., & Ulum, M. B. (2024). Aplikasi Pelaporan Informasi Masyarakat Terkini Wilayah Hukum Polresta Tangerang Berbasis Android. Jurnal Pepadun, 5(2), 193–202. https://doi.org/10.23960/pepadun.v5i2.218


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