Implementation Text-To-Speech Bahasa Lampung Dialek A Menggunakan Metode Diphone Concatenation

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Silviyah Silviyah
Akmal Junaidi
Febi Eka Febriansyah
Admi Syarif


One of the local languages in Indonesia is the Lampung language. As the Lampung residents use Bahasa to communicate during formal affairs, the lack of use of the Lampung language impairs the language itself. Additionally, non-Lampung natives find it difficult to pronounce the word. Therefore, it is necessary to provide usable tools for Lampung pronunciation. This study aims to develop a Text-To-Speech application for the Lampung language of dialect A as an appropriate tool for pronunciation. This application was implemented using the Diphone Concatenation method, where it works by combining previously recorded sound segments. These diphones are assembled to produce a complete sound file. The generated sound from the application was validated by 30 Lampung natives. The input text is Latin letters composed of one word, three words, and one sentence. The test accuracy is 85.92%, 74.67%, and 70.67% for those compositions.

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How to Cite
Silviyah, S., Junaidi, A., Febriansyah, F. E., & Syarif, A. (2024). Implementation Text-To-Speech Bahasa Lampung Dialek A Menggunakan Metode Diphone Concatenation. Jurnal Pepadun, 5(2), 113–120.


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