Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Program Bantuan Dana Hibah Berbasis Website di Biro Kesejahteraan Rakyat Pemerintah Provinsi Lampung
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The study addresses the inefficiencies of managing the Grant Fund Assistance Program in the People's Welfare Bureau of Lampung Province, where conventional manual processes have led to errors, inefficiencies, and data duplication. By developing a web-based Grant Fund Assistance Management Information System using the waterfall methodology, the research provides a structured and modern solution to these issues. The system incorporates a robust database design, leveraging the Model View Controller (MVC) framework to enhance functionality, scalability, and user access management. It adopts a user-friendly interface built with PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to ensure accessibility for different stakeholders, including administrators and applicants. Comprehensive testing was performed to ensure system reliability and compliance with functional and non-functional requirements, such as security and usability. This innovation is expected to improve administrative efficiency, enhance transparency in fund allocation, and streamline the application process for community and organizational beneficiaries, supporting the goals of good governance and clean governance.
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