Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Wedding Organizer (Studi Kasus Pada Abie Production Wedding Organizer)
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This study focuses on the design and development of a web-based Wedding Organizer Information System for Abie Production Wedding Organizer located in Bandar Lampung. The proposed system is intended to address several operational challenges faced by the company by offering features such as direct wedding cost estimation via the website, efficient product marketing, management of event schedules, collection of client feedback, and providing regular updates on company events. Additionally, the system enables the generation of transaction reports, offering a comprehensive solution for managing the wedding planning process. The results from the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) demonstrate that the system meets user expectations, achieving a high user satisfaction rate of 93.4%. This indicates that the system is highly suitable for use by Abie Production, significantly improving business efficiency, providing accurate information, supporting marketing expansion, and enhancing overall service quality. This research highlights the advantages of implementing such a system, including streamlined data processing, reliable information dissemination, enhanced marketing capabilities, and better customer service. The successful implementation of this system is expected to not only improve operational performance but also strengthen client trust and support the sustainable growth of Abie Production Wedding Organizer.
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