Sistem Informasi Perjalanan Dinas Pada Inspektorat Provinsi Lampung Berbasis Web

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Zihad Ubaddika Agung
Bambang Hermanto


Business trips are trips made by related employees to complete tasks from the agency and are financed by the agency. Currently, the Lampung Provincial Inspectorate does not yet have a system that provides information about business trips. The processing of business trips data at the Lampung Provincial Inspectorate is still done manually, such as in the process of submitting a business trip activity program. In the current activity program submission process, there is no system that manages and monitors the ongoing activity submission process. Therefore, employees do not know at what stage the activity submission is being processed, so it is difficult for employees to find out information from the submission file, whether the file is approved or rejected. This problem can be overcome by creating an Information System so that it can make it easier for employees to submit activity programs. In developing this information system, the researcher uses the PHP programming language and the Laravel Framework. The system development method used in this research is the Waterfall method. Testing on the information system is carried out using Black Box Testing to test the functionality of the system. In addition, the researcher also conducted User Acceptance Testing to 9 respondents and got an average score of 89% which can be categorized as very good.

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How to Cite
Agung, Z. U., & Hermanto, B. (2024). Sistem Informasi Perjalanan Dinas Pada Inspektorat Provinsi Lampung Berbasis Web. Jurnal Pepadun, 5(3), 230–237.


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