The "Publikasi Elektronik Pengembangan Aplikasi Digital Untuk Negeri (Pepadun)" journal, managed by the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Lampung, was first published in December 2020. The inaugural issue marked the beginning of a platform dedicated to the dissemination of research and advancements in digital application development for the nation.
In its initial year, 2020, the journal was led by Editor in Chief Astria Hijriani, who laid the foundation for its academic rigor and focus. The journal continued to grow in reputation and quality, leading to its significant achievement on May 11, 2023, when it was officially accredited with SINTA 4, recognizing its contribution to the field of computer science.
In 2022, the editorial leadership transitioned to Dewi Asiah Shofiana, under whose guidance the journal continued to thrive and attract high-quality submissions. By 2024, the editorial baton was passed to Didik Kurniawan, who has continued to steer the journal towards further excellence and impact in the academic community.
The history of Pepadun Journal is a testament to its commitment to advancing the frontiers of digital application development in Indonesia and beyond.