eWaste App: Aplikasi Mobile Berbasis Android sebagai Upaya Pengelolaan Limbah Buah-Buahan dan Sayuran
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Advances in science and technology have rapidly progressed, playing a crucial role in addressing environmental issues. Among these, the problem of organic waste remains a significant concern that demands focused attention. One common method to reduce the volume of organic waste is incineration, but this approach is often ineffective as it can cause air pollution and, if not properly managed, can negatively impact human health. The lack of a digital system to manage organic waste has contributed to its persistent unresolved state. This research aims to develop an Android-based application, eWaste, for managing fruit and vegetable waste in Bandar Lampung city. The primary goal of this application is to address environmental problems, particularly organic waste. Using this application, waste is collected, sorted by type, and processed into useful products with economic value. The system was developed using the Waterfall method and programmed in the Java language. The application's functionality was evaluated through black box testing using the equivalence partitioning method. The outcome of this research is an application that facilitates the community, producers, and couriers in conducting transactions and arranging household waste pickups, thus contributing to better waste management.
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