Pengembangan Aplikasi Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Online Berbasis Android di Kota Bandar Lampung

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Admi Syarif
Desi Yanti
Kurnia Muludi
Didik Kurniawan


This research focuses on enhancing public transportation in Bandar Lampung City through the development of an Android-based online Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) application. Utilizing GPS technology, the application provides users with real-time information on bus locations and movements, integrating Google Maps for visual data presentation. The programming language Java and the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Android Studio were employed in the application's development. System functionality was assessed using the black box testing method, ensuring the application's reliability and performance without examining internal workings. User acceptance was measured through Driver Acceptance Testing (UAT), employing Likert scale-based questionnaires that evaluated three key aspects: visual design, system input/output functions, and overall efficiency. Results indicated a positive reception, with 79% of drivers approving the application's design, 76% confirming the adequacy of system functions, and 84% acknowledging the efficiency of the application. From the users' perspective, the feedback was similarly favorable, with 82% satisfied with the application's appearance, 79% with its system functionalities, and 85% with its efficiency. The findings suggest that the Android-based online BRT application has been well received in Bandar Lampung City, indicating a significant step forward in improving the city's public transportation system through technological advancements.

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How to Cite
Syarif, A., Yanti, D., Muludi, K., & Kurniawan, D. (2023). Pengembangan Aplikasi Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Online Berbasis Android di Kota Bandar Lampung. Jurnal Pepadun, 4(3), 298–307.


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