Penerapan Teknologi Aplikasi Rumah Pintar Berbasis Web Menggunakan Microcontroller ESP32

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Muhammad Tegar Tirta Laksana
Auliya Rahman Isnain
Heni Sulistiani


In the current era of 5.0, integrating internet technology with electronic devices has become increasingly seamless, enabling smarter and more efficient living environments. This research focuses on implementing a web-based smart home application utilizing the ESP32 microcontroller. The application allows users to monitor and control household appliances in real-time through a web interface accessible on devices like smartphones and computers. The ESP32 microcontroller was selected for its Wi-Fi connectivity and compatibility with various sensors and actuators. The web application is designed with a user-friendly and responsive interface, employing web services for effective communication with the ESP32 microcontroller. Currently, the system's functionality is limited to basic operations, such as turning lights on and off, but further development is expected to expand its capabilities. This study demonstrates that a web-based system using the ESP32 microcontroller offers an effective and cost-efficient solution for building a smart home system.

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How to Cite
Laksana, M. T. T., Isnain, A. R., & Heni Sulistiani. (2024). Penerapan Teknologi Aplikasi Rumah Pintar Berbasis Web Menggunakan Microcontroller ESP32. Jurnal Pepadun, 5(2), 121–130.


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